Branding for Ganau Epiq Cork
We're pleased to share the news that Gatto Design worked with Ganau America to design a brand identity for their new TCA-screened cork offering. The name EPIQ relates to the revolutionary technology Ganau uses to unambiguously detect TCA contamination. The brandmark’s magnifying glass “Q” modifier represents the high-resolution measurements the instrument takes to isolate the tiny molecule estimated to cause billions in losses to the wine industry annually. Each cork can be analyzed within 3 seconds, meaning Ganau’s customers can afford to leverage the countless benefits of natural cork closures without the risk of dreaded “cork taint.”
Photography by Nicoletta Camerin
Press Release:
“Ganau reveals EPIQ, a natural cork with threshold of ≤0.5 ng/L 2,4,6-Trichloroanisole (TCA) that uses a scientifically verified technology with a sensitivity rate at least five times higher than other methods. The technology, VOCUS®, is a cutting-edge chemical ionization combined with high resolution time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer. It screens every individual cork within three seconds and it has been verified by the Analytical Chemistry, a peer-reviewed publication of the American Chemistry Society. Versions of this instrument are successfully used by NASA and CERN (The European Organization for Nuclear Research).”